توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : رام کاستوم كاستوم رام eXistenZ Premium3.0.0 اندروید 5.1.1 برای XPERIA Z

01-06-2016, 03:27 PM
به نام خدا

رام كاستوم 5.1.1 براي اكسپرياZ

برپايه ي رام رسمي


تركيبي از CM12, BlissLP, Cataclysm, SlimLP, Disco

به گفته ي سازنده،شما نياز به نصب xposed نخواهيد بود بخاطر تنظيمات زياد كه در پايين ليست ميكنم.

Status Bar


(Various batteries status styles (Sony, Icon Landscape, Icon Portrait, Circle, Text

( ...,Clock (Color, Alignement, AM/PM indicator

( ...Date (Style, Format, Color

(Network Trafic Monitor (Color, Outgoing/Incoming, Display Unit, Update Interval

(Mobile and Wifi network Icons (Colors

(Notifications and System Icons (Colors

Notification Count (Display the number of pending notifications with supported apps

Network trafic

Battery Bar

Double Tap to sleep. (Switch is also enabling Double tap anywhere to sleep on Lockscreen by Default

Notification Panel


Status Bar Header

(Quick Pulldown (Off, Right, Left

(Smart Pulldown (Off, No dismissable, No persistent, No dismissable or persistent

(Task Manager (New layout and Home launcher removed from list

Carrier Text

(New Icons Animation (All icons are animated like the Setting Gear

Long Pressing on Clock is opening Clock App

Long Pressing on Date is opening Calendar App

Long Pressing on Battery is showing Battery Usage

Long Pressing on Setting is opening eXistenZ Settings

Long Pressing on Weather is opening CLock App

Long Pressing on Task Manager is opening Running Services

Display options

Custom Header Image

Header custom color


Quick Toggle background custom color

Icons custom color

Text custom color

Ripple effect custom color

Clear All icon custom color

Clock custom color

Am/PM custom color

Date custom color

Alarm custom color

Quick Toggles


Enlarge first row (2 main row at first tile, all Quick Toggles can be used, not only Wifi or Bluetooth

3, 4 or 5 tiles per row with automatic resizing

Vibrate on touch

Advanced Location

Detailled Wifi view

Auto Close Panel

Custom colors for all Quick Toggles and Background

Unlimited Quick Toggles Number

All Quick Toggles With Long Pressing Options

Wifi and Bluetooth Quick Toggles

Ringer Mode Quick Toggle

(Brightness Quick Toggle (Long press to switch between Auto and Normal mode

Advanced Location Quick Toggle

Doze Quick Toggle

Mobile Data Quick Toggle (Press to enable/disable Mobile Data, Long press to Details View

Reboot/Recovery Quick Toggle (Press to select Reboot or Recovery, Long press to apply your previous choice

Screen Timeout Quick Toggle

Heads Up Quick Toggle

eXistenZ Settings Quick Toggle

Expanded Desktop Quick Toggle

Heads Up & Notifications


Heads Up on/off

Heads Up Timeout

Notifications Wake

(Detect Pocket extraction (For Notification Wake

Notification Ticker on/off

Expand all Notifications on/off

:Advanced Notifications Management per application


Block on Lockscreen

Block ongoing on Lockscreen

Force Heads Up

Disable Heads Up

Notification Priority

Custom Led Color

Restrict App Background datas

Battery Saver Background datas


Led Control settings


Notification Light on/off

Notifications Disable on Priority

Notifications Disable on no interruptions

Notifications Color

Notifications Pulse On time

Notifications Pulse Off time

Battery Charging Led on/off

(Charging Colors (Low, Half, Full

Low Battery Pulse Color

Battery Pulse on time

Battery Pulse off time

Recent Menu


Long Press Recent go to last task

Close All Button

Small Apps


Slim Recent

Navigation Bar



Resize only portrait

Disable Google Now gesture

Long Press Recent go to last task

Force show menu button

Power menu

Hide IME switcher

Swipe To Sleep

Softkeys Fade mod

Power Menu


User Switcher

Power Off

Advanced reboot

Screenshot only

Airplane Mode

Settings Shortcut

Device Lockdown

Screen Capture

(Advanced Sound Panel (Complete Zen Modes



Double tap anywhere to sleep (Switch is only working when Double tap to sleep on Status Bar is OFF

Long Press Lock To Sleep

Lockscreen Rotation

Middle Shortcuts



Full Screen Album Art

Quick Unlock

Scramble Pin layout



Fully Deodexed

Stagefright libs updated

Battery charging status added to lockscreen

Sony Clock style added to lockscreen

New eXistenZ BootMessage: Show each app name being optimized during boot

Show a simple dialog about optimizing apps, time to boot reduce of 50%

No OpenGL, Playstore issues

(eXistenZ Style Icons (Wifi, Signal)(Optional

(Reject by Message while receiving Call Disabled (Optional

Datas On/Off Warning Dialog removed

Cost Saving (Conversions of charachters) actived in Conversations app

Real Time Timestamp activated in Conversations app

Email Attachment fully work in Email app

Call Recording

National Data Roaming added to Network Settings

Use only 2G added to Network Settings

NFC icon in Status Bar when on

Sound Effects (Clear Stereo, Clear Phase, xLoud, S-Force Surround) enabled

Stereo output for Speakers

eXistenZ Theme

eXistenZ Boot Animation

eXistenZ Widgets (Music, On/Off tools)

Verizon Live Wallpaper

Latest NUT Dual Recovery

Latest Walkman

Xperia Z5 Black and White themes

AOSP Sony's internet Browser

Rooted with latest SuperSU

Locked and Unlocked Bootloaders

...And more


eXistenZ Premium v3.0.0


Based on latest Sony's 5.1.1 10.7.A.0.222

Update OmniSwitch app to latest version compatible with Android 5.1.1 to avoid force closing

Disable Quick settings on secure lockscreen

Quick Unlock switch added to Lockscreen security settings

Scramble PIN layout when unlocking device added to Lockscreen security settings

Landscape rotation added to Lockscreen settings

Volume adjust sound added to Volume Rocker settings

Hide IME Switcher added to Navigation Bar settings

Softkeys Fade Mod added to Navigation Bar settings

:New Heads Up and Notifications settings

Heads Up on/off

Heads Up Timeout

Notifications Wake

(Detect Pocket extraction (For Notification Wake

Notification Ticker on/off

Expand all Notifications on/off

:Advanced Notifications Management per application


Block on Lockscreen

Block ongoing on Lockscreen

Force Heads Up

Disable Heads Up

Notification Priority

Custom Led Color

Restrict App Background datas

Battery Saver Background datas


:New Led Control settings

Notification Light on/off

Notifications Disable on Priority

Notifications Disable on no interruptions

Notifications Color

Notifications Pulse On time

Notifications Pulse Off time

Battery Charging Led on/off

(Charging Colors (Low, Half, Full

Low Battery Pulse Color

Battery Pulse on time

Battery Pulse off time

:New Volume Rocker settings

Volume Rocker Cursor control

Volume Panel adjust sound on/off

(Volume To Wake (When no media playing

Volume To Skip Tracks

:New Display & Animations settings

Animations speed

Keyboard Animations

Toast Animations

List View Animations

Scrolling Cache management

Toast Icon (Show icon of package associated with Toast) on/off

All Rotations

Reduce Height of Settings Dashboard tiles

Add Mobile Networks Category to Settings Dashboard tiles

Add Switches for Wifi, Bluetooth and Mobile Networks tiles

Add Screenshot Quick Toggle

Add Volume Quick Toggle

Add Stats Quick Toggle

Reworked Lockscreen Weather code and Layout

Reworked Lockscreen Weather Settings

Xperia Z5 Lockscreen Clock

Reworked Low Battery code

Add Compass Quick Toggle

Reworked Notification Quick Toggle to diplay only working Sound Modes

Add Power Menu & Reboot Intent to framework

Add Power Menu Quick Toggle (Click to Power Menu, Long Press to Reboot Options

(Add Power Menu in Navigation Bar (Replace Left Menu

Add Advanced Reboot Options to Power Menu (Reboot, Recovery, Bootloader, Soft Reboot, Restart SystemUI

Add One Click Reboot

Add Visualizer Quick Toggle

Reworked Volume Quick Toggle to collapse Notification Panel when pressed

Add Brightness Mirror (Long press Brightness Slider is showing Background instead of Notification Panel

Allow Coloring of Brightness Slider

Allow Coloring of Ripple Effect

Optimize Notification Panel View code

Allow Individual Coloring of all Status Bar Header texts

(Add Status Bar Header Custom Background (Default, Modern, Poly HD

Reworked Status Bar Header and Quick Toggles coloring settings, they are now all in same place

Reworked Network Controler code

All Quick Toggles available on Lockscreen

Add Auto Start Settings

Add Location based Wifi Settings

Reworked eXistenZ theme

Xperia Z5 apps (Phonebook, Conversations, Email, Setup Wizard, Clock Widget, Home Launcher, Calendar, Clock, Skin Core, Small Apps Launcher & Small Apps, Xperia Keyboard, Themes, Weather, Weather Widget

(Xperia Z5 settings (Image Enhancement

Xperia Z5 Wallpapers

Network Mode Quick Toggle adapted to work with all device variant

Mobile Data Quick Toggle

Add Battery Text on Lockscreen when selected as or with Battery Status

Add missing Haptic Feedback in Status Bar Header when selected in Quick Toggle settings

Add App SideBar to Slim Recent Settings

Add Middle Shortcuts to Lockscreen Settings

Add eXistenZ Custom Header Overlay who will allow you to add your own images

Android M Xperia Home with new options (Hide names in dock, Application screen icons

New eXistenZ Banner in Settings

Optmization of PhoneStatusBar setting observer

Slim Recent panel can be activated without restarting systemUI

Slim Recent card background color can be changed without restarting systemUI

Add ChameleonOS Side bar

Optimization of various codes

And many many more things that I forgot

eXistenZ Premium v3.1.0


Call recording fixed

Force closing while receiving a call fixed

Landscape keyboard force closing fixed

Long Press on Notification force closing fixed

Unneeded Doze quick toggle disabled

Restart SystemUI app reworked and hidded in app drawer

Xperia Z5 InCallUI added


روش نصب

نصب آخرين رام رسمي 5.1.1
آموزش نصب ([Only registered and activated users can see links])
رفتن به محيط ريكاوري
گوشی خود را به تنظیمات کارخانه باز گردانید .( factory reset )
وایپ Cache partition را انجام دهید .
وایپ Dalvik Cache را انجام دهید .
فرمت سیستم کنید . (Format system)
فرمت دیتا کنید .(Format data)
فرمت کش کنید .(Format cache)
از طریق ریکاوری رام را فلش کنید .
فايل آپديت را فلش كنيد.
گوشی خود را ریبوت کنید

لينك هاي دانلود

eXistenZ Premium v3.0.0 ([Only registered and activated users can see links] 962lfq5f64ld6%2FXperia_Z_eXistenZ_Premium_v3.0.0.z ip&title=%5BROM%5D%5BLOLLIPOP%5D%5BLB%2FUB%5D%5B5.1.1 %5D%20eXistenZ%20Premi%E2%80%A6%20%7C%20Sony%20Xpe ria%20Z&txt=[Only registered and activated users can see links] ...ium_v3.0.0.zip)

دانلود آپديت رام

eXistenZ Premium v3.1.0 UPDATE ONLY ([Only registered and activated users can see links] yy7ugz4jypxbf%2FXperia_Z_eXistenZ_Premium_v3.1.0_U PDATE_ONLY.zip&title=%5BROM%5D%5BLOLLIPOP%5D%5BLB%2FUB%5D%5B5.1.1 %5D%20eXistenZ%20Premi%E2%80%A6%20%7C%20Sony%20Xpe ria%20Z&txt=[Only registered and activated users can see links] ...PDATE_ONLY.zip)

موفق باشيد

منبع:XDA ([Only registered and activated users can see links])

موب وان